Hi I’m Iain,
My mission is to help empower and educate young people to make better choices
Through my own experiences I can talk directly, openly and honestly about the causes of addiction
1 in 6 young people will struggle with addiction
Due to mental health issues, trauma, life events, low self-esteem and social pressures
Addiction is a symptom of an underlying problem
What challenges or circumstances are causing someone to rely on a coping mechanism?
Confront and address issues, abstinence, counselling, developing healthy coping mechanisms
Freedom from addiction, boundaries, balance, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing
My talks are designed to help pupils, staff and parents make better choices
A Slow Crash
Iain’s uses his personal experience to illustrate that the journey into addiction can be one of small, but increasingly painful, steps.
We Need to Talk
This talk explores addiction in detail: theories, types, causes, progression, warning signs and appropriate actions to help keep young people safe.
What About the Boys?
This talk provides evidence-based solutions to issues around promoting communication and vulnerability, positive masculinity, self-esteem, and wellbeing.